Author Archives: PetersInsight

Bowl Anatomy

Bowl Anatomy

_____ BOWL ANATOMY Bowl Anatomy is one of the least discussed topics. RIM : It’s the limit of the trench. Also known as the perimeter of the bowl, it gives a reference point for your packing. TRENCH : It’s the cavity where the tobacco sits. SPIRE : It’s the raised wall in the middle where […]

Bowl types


_____ WHAT ARE THE TYPICAL BOWLS? There are two types of bowls that are available in the market : traditional and phunnel. You must be familiar with the classic brown bowls that lounges used to have. Usually, the internal is shaped like a scoop and has 5 holes in it. Of course, there are variables […]

Kaloud Lotus 1+

KaloudLotus 1

_____ WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A HEAT MANAGEMENT DEVICE? The goal of a heat management device (HMD) is to give you the flexibility to adapt the temperature and to be able to transfer the heat evenly into the bowl. Generally speaking, there’s at least two level of heat for adjustment : either it’s open […]